That’s Not the ‘Pointe’: Starting Ballet Lessons as a Teen

Starting teen ballet lessons can be intimidating. Many dancers start at a very young age, and it can feel like you have to make up lost ground. Competition from peers might cause heartbreak if the typical advancements aren’t met.

But dancing just to be “the best” isn’t the point!

If the competitive culture and milestones (such as pointe shoes and solo roles in dance recitals) are stripped away, what remains is the pure joy of dancing—and a student of any age and any level can experience it!

While much of ballet is judged by the form and appearance of the dancers, an older student must ask themselves if appearances are why they are pursuing ballet. Much of the form comes with time as the student becomes stronger, but for the first four to six months, a beginning teen dancer should focus on how ballet feels.

Ballet is perhaps one of the most rewarding forms of art-meets-fitness that exists. A good ballet teacher will make sure a student starts each exercise with intense mindfulness. The subsequent feeling of elegance from mastery over one’s body is a rewarding achievement for a growing teen—however one looks reflected in the mirror. Ballet Lessons strengthens large muscle groups in varied ways—like a classical form of CrossFit! The exercises that strengthen ankles, and the proper posture practiced in ballet, are life-long skills that will save a teen’s growing body from aches and pains later in life.

If a teen’s goal is to be transported far away from the stresses of daily life and school projects, and into otherworldly realms, there is no better vehicle than ballet lessons. Combining music and expressive movement, students of all levels participate in one of the richest cultural traditions of Western Europe. Ballet exposes a dancer to beautiful and historically important music from the Western Classical tradition, from the birth of ballet in the late 17th century, into the riotously groundbreaking works of the 20th century. Ballet is also a great way to make new friends outside of school!

Winning a job as a prima ballerina in a professional dance company might be a stretch if you’re starting ballet at 16 years old—but anything is possible! While the hours upon hours of practice certainly help a young dancer’s mastery, success depends entirely on what a student wants to get out of ballet and why they choose to do it. The fun, joy, and sense of achievement in ballet are acquired from working diligently on the details, strength building, expression, and technique. And maybe, with focused, hard work, a teen beginner might just become the Prima Ballerina.

If you have a teenager who wants to start Ballet Lessons, check out our website and get registered today!

Ballet Classes for kids ages 10-13

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