How Voice Can Make Your Child Less Shy

Is your child shy, and you want to try something to break him or her out of their shell? If your child likes music and singing, taking voice lessons can help build confidence in your child that he or she is lacking to break out of their comfort zone.

Shyness is very common in both kids and adults and if you have ever been in a situation where you have avoided doing something out of worry of being too shy, you will likely want to help your child. Singing is a great way to help kids overcome shyness, and they will be learning a new skill in the process!

Most popular singers started out as shy people, such as Jimi Hendrix, Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson. They said that singing helps them be less shy.

Here are some examples of how voice can make your child less shy:

  • Your child will get to know other students and singers and grow common interests together.
  • Having something they are good at encourages kids to have confidence in day to day life.
  • Your child will be able to join music and singing classes in school which will help increase your child’s social circle, allowing them to feel more comfortable around more people.
  • Meeting other children who are shy helps kids realize they are not the only ones feeling what they are feeling.
  • Giving a child something they are responsible for increases their confidence.
  • Music and singing make people happy and less stressed, and it’s easier to connect with people when stress levels are lowered.

Improve Confidence

  • Taking a voice lesson with a teacher will help build your child’s confidence, not only in singing but with communicating and expressing their feelings. Teachers have different strategies to help encourage their students. In a voice lesson, your child may receive feedback, try to find an instructor helpful feedback with positive praise, this will help your child open about some fears and challenges they might be feeling. Expressing yourself in front of an audience can be personal and nerve-wracking, and can leave you feeling vulnerable and exposed. Singing can help you project your voice and become emotionally more open. The lesson to be learned that it is okay to be vulnerable. Voice lessons can help your child build a more open relationship with friends and family. Singing in front of the teacher starts to break down some of those shyness walls.
  • Singing at home alone is the first step in being able to sing in front of others, taking lessons from an instructor can give your child the tools to start singing at home.
  • Work on confidence by doing a drama and dance piece. Audition for a musical theater helps build confidence, your child doesn’t have to audition for a big role, musical theater can help with the confidence of singing, dancing and speaking in front of people. Your child will most likely make a couple of friends if participating in a play.
  • Your child could participate in a choir, this will help build the confidence of being around a large group of people and make friends. There are many shy singers in the choir.
  • Taking voice lessons can help with relaxation and fill your mind with positive thoughts. Sharing a performance can be a rewarding experience and can help your child get away some of their nerves.
  • Sing songs that suit your child. Have your child sing songs that mean something to them or is a favorite song.

Being shy is very natural for most people but the degree of shyness can lead to some difficulties as your child moves through life. It can be hard to figure out how to help your child come out of their shell and feel more comfortable around others, but voice lessons might be the answer. Learning a new skill is a great way to help your shy child recognize their abilities and feel comfortable sharing them with others.

There are many places you can start your child in voice lessons and choir here in Omaha, NE. Here at Omaha School of Music Dance, we help you find the right instructor for your child to help make your child less shy.

Please Contact Us or Call (402) 515-9639 to get started on voice classes!

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