Why Consider Violin Lessons

Why should you consider violin lessons? This question comes in a package deal with multiple answers. Whether you’re interested in learning a new instrument, or you want your child to try it out, the violin may be the way to go. This unique and beautiful instrument will allow you to let the creative juices flow from your head straight to your hands and fingers. Taking up a new instrument is always a fun way to take on a new challenge. What may start as baby steps will slowly become learned movements! There are many reasons to consider playing the violin. Only a few will be named here, but every reason is important especially when looking into lessons.

  1. Violin lessons allow both sides of the brain to learn. When playing the violin, you are crossing between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The bridge between the two hemispheres helps creativity flow while also strengthening the brain. Practicing the violin can help in everyday life, work, or school. The Omaha School of Music and Dance teachers will be there along the way to help in practicing!
  2. Speaking of the teachers at the Omaha School of Music and Dance, we have many teachers who play a wide variety of instruments. They are here to help better your skills with whichever instrument you choose. If the violin is your instrument of choice, we have several options for teachers who can provide violin lessons. At OSMD we offer 30, 45, and 60 minutes lessons. All these options allow for time to learn something new each time you come in!
  3. Playing an instrument can allow you to build confidence in yourself. Learning a new skill takes a lot of practice and memorization, but once you learn the basics everything will come naturally. This means that you or your child will build confidence in what they’ve learned! All our students at the studio are even given the chance to show off what they’ve learned. OSMD has an annual music recital for all our instrument players. It is a great opportunity to let everyone see what you’ve learned so far.

If you’re interested in taking on a musical instrument at OSMD, feel free to take a look at our studio! If you think the violin is the way to go, we can help you find the perfect teacher for lessons. Give us a call at 402-515-9639 if you have any questions or would like to register today! You can also check us out on our website at www.omahaschoolofmusicanddance.com. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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