Ways to Prepare for Taking an Adult Ballet Class

Do you have an unfulfilled fantasy from childhood of becoming a ballet dancer? If so, it may not be too late for you! Adults across the country are taking dance classes as a means of fitness and fun! Listed below are ways you can prepare for taking an adult ballet class.


-Find a suitable dance studio. A good studio will offer appropriate classes, good instruction, and possibly performance opportunities (if you are interested in them). Ballet is an activity that people of any age, gender, race, shape or size can do. If the teacher at your studio thinks otherwise, maybe you should find a new studio that is more open-minded!


– Purchase suitable clothes and shoes. You should be wearing comfortable formfitting clothes that would be appropriate for any fitness class. If you really want to go all out, you can get a good leotard, tights, and crossover cardigan. These items can be on the expensive side, but if you purchase them at a dance store, they will be well made and will last you quite awhile.

One thing you don’t want to skimp on is ballet shoes. Make sure you buy quality leather or canvas shoes. Again, go to your local dance store and ask for help if you aren’t sure what to buy.


– Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Learning the French vocabulary that goes along with ballet can be very intimidating, as well as trying to move your body in the correct way. A good teacher will explain everything as they go, and if they don’t, don’t be afraid to ask when you don’t understand something. Getting feedback from your teacher after class is also a great idea to help with your progress. This will help you to pinpoint what you can work on at home and in class next week.


– Don’t worry if you need lots of help at first. It is easy to get frustrated with your body when it doesn’t want to do what you want it to do. It may take time for you to get your coordination under control. Also, try not to compare yourself to others in the class. Most of the others in the class will be so concerned with what they are doing that they won’t pay attention to other students.

Try not to worry about how un-flexible you are. You can have a lot of fun in ballet doing other things that have nothing to do with flexibility. Develop your strengths, whether they be jumping, fluidity, or turns. Flexibility will come with time and stretching.


– Remember that you will be sore after class. It is not uncommon to spend the day after class hurting, even if you stretch. Ballet uses muscles that you don’t use for anything else in your daily routine, so even if you are a fit person, it can leave you sore. Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher about any physical limitations you may have.


– Assess your physical fitness. Be sure that you are fit enough to handle a ballet class. If you are unsure, have a discussion with your doctor about the possibility of dancing.


If you are an adult with a dancing dream, check out our website omahaschoolofmusicanddance.com/adult-dance-classes-ages-18-65 and look into the Adult Combo class that meets on Tuesday evenings! It is an extremely fun class and a great workout!

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