More than a Participation Prize: The Importance of Performing in a Dance Recital

At the end of each spring, dance studios, like classes in school, have a showcase of all that has been learned throughout the year. Instead of a final test or project, dance studios will often produce a Recital to highlighting all levels of students and their newly mastered skills. The Omaha School of Music and Dance holds recitals each spring, and this year’s recital takes place June 10, 2017.


While some dance students might shy away from the spotlight, others thrive onstage. Even if a child is nervous about performing, the studio recital is an important event for everyone to participate in. It will give the nervous child a chance to perform with others on stage, not alone, and will give them a positive performing experience to grow from.


Performance is very different than going through exercises in class. In a recital, there is no stopping for mistakes. New, young performers are given the additional stimuli of music, lights, and audience feedback. Sometimes challenges arise that are outside of the performer’s control, for example, technical difficulties with sound or lights. The important life skills of presentation, performing through adversity, remembering long and sometimes complicated sets of directions, are all exercised on stage. These are skills the students will take and use in all different aspects of their lives for the rest of their lives!


The Omaha School of Music and Dance encourages every dance student to partake in the spring recital. The validation a student receives through a single performance can make the whole year worth the hard work. Great satisfaction and confidence is gained seeing a project through to completion, a payoff for the hours determined discipline. And while a student might only have one, seemingly minor role in the recital, it’s important for the student to see themselves an important part of something bigger than themselves. Everyone is needed to put their “best foot forward” in order to bring a big dance recital to life.


If your child is taking dance lessons at OSMD, make sure to sign them up for the dance recital! Permission slips to participate will be handed out in class during the week of January 9 and are due by Monday, February 6, 2017. The recital date is Saturday, June 10, 2017. More details to come!  If your child isn’t taking dance lessons at OSMD, it isn’t too late!  You can still get them registered today.

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