Intro to Violin: Your Gateway to Music

When a child starts showing interest in playing music, it’s time to pounce! The Omaha School of Music and Dance’s Intro to Violin class is a great place to start, especially those who want to participate in school orchestra.

Meant as a jumping point into private lessons, our introductory course is a group class which provides kids a fun environment to learn the basics: note names, rhythms, posture, holding the violin and bow, coordination, and basic technique. For ages 6-10 years old, Intro to Violin is a great place to begin a musical education, but is also beneficial for students who have had some knowledge of music prior to starting violin (for example, through piano lessons).

Intro to Violin is 45 minutes long, which our teacher, Karen, loves: she gets to know each student! She’s able to dive into the details of a topic, and to help each student improve on the lessons for the day. Being a group class, it saves a few extra dollars for parents, but eventually, a student will want or need the individual attention afforded in private lessons. But group lessons provide young kids opportunities for socialization in group settings. Students who are at slightly different playing levels can help each other learn, reinforcing knowledge, and helping newer violinists catch up in lessons.

But which children should consider starting their violin education in our group class? Children who are attentive, good listeners, but excited and enthusiastic about the violin are guaranteed to have a fun time with Intro to Violin. It’s also best if students are accustomed to a classroom setting and assignments. Students will get the most out of these group violin lessons if they have a sense of independence and ownership over their own progress.

Seven to eight years-old is an ideal age to start on violin. With a head start, it’s not so overwhelming if a student decides to join the school orchestra in 4th grade–where many students are touching their instruments for the first time. Otherwise, most students are encouraged to pick up the violin just before the public schools start their string programs. For our 9-10 year old students, it’s best to start Intro to Violin in late spring or early summer before orchestra starts the next fall.

Once a student has an understanding of holding the instrument, some technique, how to read notes, pitches and rhythms, and is taking initiative in practicing at home, the Omaha School of Music and Dance encourages switching to private lessons. And even if the budding violinist is enamored with our teacher, Karen, he or she can keep her teacher! Karen is also an excellent and sought-after private violin teacher.

Call the Omaha School of Music and Dance to register your child for Intro to Violin. We would love to help your student get off to a great start in music!


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