How difficult is it to learn to play the drums?

Have you ever thought about what it might be like for you or someone you love to play the drums? If you are intrigued at all by this amazing instrument – join us at Omaha School of Music and Dance to learn more during your time with our professional instructors. But how difficult is it to learn to play the drums?  Below, you’ll see answers to some common questions about the commitment it takes to play the drums.

How long will it take?

While you can learn the basics of drum playing in a few days or weeks, it will take months, and even years, to perform on a mastery level. All instruments take time in their own unique way, and the drums are no exception – but the time spent practicing and performing are worth it when you grow in your skills and love for music!

How hard is playing the drums compared to other instruments?

The main difference between the drums and other instruments is that the drums are not pitched instruments, but rather percussive. Whereas other instruments make sounds that contain notes, the drums follow and create rhythms. This does not mean they are easier to play than other instruments, though! They take time, dedication, and passion to learn.

What are the difficulties?

One logistic that can be difficult for some people is the fact that the drums require a particular space to practice in. As obviously loud and big instruments, you’ll need to find a space where you can have some privacy in practice, with the freedom to make as much noise as you need. There are ways around this, though, such as investing in a muffled drum set with headphones or practicing on quieter countertops and surfaces before your lesson.

In addition, some people are worried about the physical stamina that playing the drums requires. The drums require a lot of your body to play, but the physical effort it takes to play them depends on the speed and style of drumming. For instance, if you’re drumming in a metal band, you will likely be exerting a lot more effort than if you were drumming in a chill jazz group. Either way, the techniques you learn and the growth you make will help you use your bodies to play as efficiently as possible in any style!

How much time do I need to have for practice?

Like any other instrument, just 15-30 minutes every day can help you improve steadily over time. However, you may find yourself enjoying your playing time so much that you could play for hours! Either way, there’s only one way to find out – by taking the first step (or strike, in this case) and seeing if drum lessons are a good fit for you!

At Omaha School of Music and Dance, we take pride in putting our students first. We want you to be the very best version of yourself! We hope to hear from you soon and get you enrolled in any class that you want or need. While we encourage learning music in all situations, we firmly believe that a private drum music lesson will be a significant benefit to you and your musical endeavors.  Our professional instructors will help you progress quickly and exceed your expectations. They will also make your lesson fun and tailor the lesson to your specific needs!

We are so excited to have you join our OSMD family!

Give us a call at 402-515-9639 or contact us here, to talk about all of your options.

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