Have you ever thought about playing the drums?

Have you ever thought about playing the drums? Here at Omaha School of Music and Dance, drum lessons are just one of the many different types of classes offered. We have a few different instructors who teach the drums at OSMD, allowing for flexibility. If drumming is something of interest to you, we’d love to have you join us!

You may be thinking, “Are the drums right for me?”

Here are some questions to ask yourself as you’re deciding:

  • Do the drums catch your attention? Perhaps when you listen to your favorite music, you find yourself tapping your toes to the beat of the drums, or keenly watching the drum player in the live band concert you went to. When you visit a music store, you may find your eye wandering over toward the shiny drum sets and envisioning yourself playing on them in your own house. Whatever the case, if you have an ear and interest in setting the beat, you may consider seeing what it is actually like to play the drums!
  • Do you tap, bang, and make noise on random objects often? Many drummers recall always fidgeting actively, releasing their energy by making rhythms with their bodies. The drums are a great way to put that energy into practical use!
  • What do you hear? When many people listen to music, they hear melody and words. However, others hear beats and rhythms, clashes, and crescendos. Does that happen to you? If so, you may be more oriented toward creating the backbeat of songs, thus creating what you love to hear.
  • What type of energy do you have? This may sound strange initially, but think or Google some of the most famous drummers. What do they have in common? A certain persona of having a whole lot of energy to give the world — and playing the drums does take a lot of energy! It is physically demanding and a whole-body experience. Do you feel like you have a lot of energy you’d like to release in positive and innovative ways? Trying the drums may be right for you.

Because our hearts themselves are drums, we can appreciate the beats and rhythms that are a huge part of our everyday lives and the everyday music that we hear. Think you’re ready to be a part of your own drumming journey? Come join us! Even if playing the drums isn’t right for you, we have a wide array of other music and dance options to best fit you and your individual wants and needs!

You can reach out to OSMD at omahaschoolofmusicanddance.com or call us at 402-515-9629. You can also email us at info@osomad.com. We are located at the N.W. corner of 144th and Dodge.

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