4 Reasons Toddlers Should Take Dance Lessons

Have you ever asked yourself, “Should I sign my child up for dance lessons? What is a good age to do that? Are they too young?” Here at the Omaha School of Music and Dance, we start students dancing as young as 18 months old. The ability to start dancing develops in children before they can even talk. They move naturally and to achieve mobility or to express emotions. Dance is also a natural method for learning about culture. Organized movement is a huge benefit when it comes to education for children. Listed below are four reasons why dance is such a great activity for these youngsters.

Dance Improves Physical Health

Dance is a great alternative activity for those not interested or talented in sports. Dance classes can increase flexibility, range of motion, physical strength and stamina. It can improve muscle tone, correct poor posture, and increase balance and coordination. Dancing uses the entire body and is an excellent type of exercise for total body fitness. It is motivation to keep children exercising by practicing their fun routines at home.

Dance Is a Great Social Activity

Not only do children develop their physical health in dance class, but they also improve their social skills. Dance class can improve communication skills. It can help children to work better as a team and use problem solving. They can develop a greater sense of trust with their fellow dancers and teachers. Dance is great for improving their self-esteem and alleviating fears of performing in front of an audience. They learn how to cooperate and follow directions, which are great social life skills that everyone needs.

Students who participate in the arts (dance) tend to do better academically

It is a proven fact that students who participate in the arts get better grades in school, better test scores, and are better at memorization. Children mostly learn through physical and sensory experiences. When children are given creative movement problems that involve the selection of movement choices, they learn to think in the concrete reality of movement, which helps them to understand our world a little better.

Dance also helps children to develop literacy. Literacy involves the translation of movement expression and puts communication into words. Movement or dancing is a way to help children communicate what they are understanding.

Dance leads to self-expression

Even though dance class is great for social activity, it is also good for self-expression. The students begin to become aware of theirs, and others’ emotions through creative movement. Dancing is a great way for them to release these emotions when they may not know how else to dispose of them.

Dance also promotes a type of maturity not seen in many other activities. The posture and the way a dancer carries themselves, even as they simply walk down the street, shows their pride and confidence in themselves and what they are doing.

Give your child the chance to improve their physical health, social skills, academic skills, and self-expression! Come visit the Omaha School of Music and Dance at 14505 California St. Omaha, NE and we will give you a tour of our state of the art facility and get you registered for classes. Or you can click on the following link and register yourself online! https://app.jackrabbitclass.com/reg.asp?id=520295

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